Enfermar es humano

ENFERMAR ES HUMANO: CUANDO EL PACIENTE ES EL MÉDICO Cátedra de Profesionalismo y Ética Médica. Universidad de Zaragoza • Grupo de Investigación en Bioética de Aragón (GIBA)-IIS Aragón 181 (*)33. How often do you prescribe yourself…? Never, Sometimes, Very Often 1. Antibiotics Never, Sometimes, Very Often 2. Simple analgesics Never, Sometimes, Very Often 3. Opioid analgesics Never, Sometimes, Very Often 4. Sedative hypnotics and/or anxiolytics Never, Sometimes, Very Often 5. Other psychotropic medication Never, Sometimes, Very Often (*)34. Over the last 12 months, have you been admitted to hospital at least overnight (not including an uncomplicated birth)? Yes/No (*)35. How many times have you visited your registered GP in the last 5 years? 1.I am not registered with a GP (go to question 37) 2.I am registered with a GP but I have never made a visit 3.Between 1 and 3 times 4.Between 3 and 10 times 5.More than 10 times 36. Is your GP your spouse/partner, a family member or close friend? Yes/No (*)37. As a doctor, do you feel that the treatment your received was different from that shown to patients who are not doctors? 1. Being a doctor did not affect the treatment process 2. Yes, most of the time, and it was detrimental to me 3. Yes, most of the time, and it was beneficial to me (*)38. As a doctor, do you believe the confidentiality of your medical records is respected when you receive medical treatment? Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often, Always (*)39. As a doctor, would you accept losing the confidentiality of your treatment in order to speed up your diagnosis and treatment? 1. Yes, always 2. Only in exceptional cases 3. I would not accept it (*)40. Do doctors comment on colleagues’ health problems among themselves without being directly involved? Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often, Always Section 2: Self-Care, Work Impact and Care Pathway (continuation) Items Categories