Enfermar es humano

ENFERMAR ES HUMANO: CUANDO EL PACIENTE ES EL MÉDICO Cátedra de Profesionalismo y Ética Médica. Universidad de Zaragoza • Grupo de Investigación en Bioética de Aragón (GIBA)-IIS Aragón 180 23. Approximately howmany weeks have you taken off work because of health problems (whether or not the time counted as sick leave) during your career? Weeks 24. How often have you gone to work with a health problem for which you would have told a patient to take sick leave? Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often, Always 25. The main reason you went to work while you were ill was… 1.Your responsibility to your patients 2. To not overburden your colleagues 3. Fear of losing your contract 4.To keep up your regular income Other: Open answer 26. Whenever you feel unwell as the result of a minor health problem (eg cold, diarrhoea, migraine, sprain), what do you do first? 1.You self-medicate or try to solve the problem yourself 2.You seek informal advice from a colleague 3.You make an appointment for a consultation with a colleague from the hospital 4.You go to your registered GP 5.You visit the doctor at your occupational health service provider 6.You visit a private clinic (*)27. When you feel unwell as the result of a health problem that lasts longer than expected and which is presumed to be serious, what do you do? 1.You self-medicate or try to solve the problem yourself 2.You seek informal advice from a colleague 3.You make an appointment for a consultation with a colleague from the hospital 4.You go to your registered GP 5.You visit the doctor at your occupational health service provider 6.You visit a private clinic (*)28. Are you given a flu vaccine? Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often, Always 29. Do you normally undergo occupational health checks at your workplace? Never, Sometimes, Often, Very often, Always (*)30. How much time do you spend each week taking regular exercise (including walking)? Hours per week (*)31. Are you a smoker? Yes, I smoke every day; Yes, but not every day; I am no longer a smoker; I have never smoked (*)32. Over the last 12 months, have you taken… Regularly; Occasionally; No, never 1… any type of cannabis? Regularly; Occasionally; No, never 2… any other drug, such as cocaine, amphetamines, MDMA (ecstasy), or other similar substances? Regularly; Occasionally; No, never 3… alcoholic beverages of any kind in excessive amounts? Regularly; Occasionally; No, never Section 2: Self-Care, Work Impact and Care Pathway (continuation) Items Categories