XX 75_ CODE OF MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY - MEDICAL EXPERTS AND WITNESSES Article 76.1 A doctor has the duty to meet the requirements of the judges and courts and to collaborate with the Administrations in those matters that, being within their competence, would benefit society. Article 76.2 The doctor's cooperation with the Law and with the Administration should not imply an impairment of the patient's rights. The expert doctor is subject to professional secrecy with the only exceptions detailed in this Code and in the general regulations on patient confidentiality. Article 76.3 A doctor who is summoned as a witness, by virtue of judicial appointment, has the obligation to appear. When testifying, the doctor must limit themselves to presenting the facts that, by virtue of his/her position as a doctor, he/she has seen or heard and that are relevant to the case. The doctor must keep the medical secret to the extent possible and can only reveal what is strictly necessary for the resolution of the legal matter. 20