Article 72.72 _72 CODE OF MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY - A doctor must provide the victim of violence and their relatives or relatives confidence, support, information, and appropriate guidance. A doctor must activate the necessary mechanisms for the protection of the victim. Article 72.4 A doctor has the duty to complete in a truthful, objective and prudent manner the medical-legal documents corresponding to the care of a victim of violence, regardless of the request on this matter that they may receive from the victim. Article 73.1 A doctor should never participate, support, admit or cover up acts of torture or harassment, regardless of the arguments put forward for it. Article 73.2 A doctor should not participate in any activity that entails manipulation of the patient's will. Article 73.3 It is a doctor's duty to protect the health of persons deprived of freedom, treat their illnesses and respect their will in the same way that with the rest of their patients. Article 74 Any measure of physical or pharmacological containment is a limitation of a person's autonomy and, therefore, can constitute an attack against their dignity, except for special clinical circumstances that indicate its use.