Code of Medical Ethics and Deontology

Article 46.4 _52 CODE OF MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY - Professional disagreements in opinion and action between doctors must be resolved within the professional or collegiate sphere. Article 47.1 For the benefit of patients and society, a doctor must share their scientific knowledge and experience with other doctors. Article 47.2 Doctors who share the responsibility for caring for a patient must provide the necessary information clearly and understandably, avoiding acronyms and confusing terminology. Article 48.1 A doctor should not recruit, neither for themselves nor for another professional, patients for an illegitimate interest. Article 48.2 A doctor must communicate to the competent authorities, if applicable, and to his Local Medical Association, the alleged infractions of his colleagues against the rules of Medical Ethics or professional practice. This duty does not imply a breach of due fraternity among doctors. Anonymity should be allowed in these communications if deemed appropriate.