Article 10.9 _18 CODE OF MEDICAL DEONTOLOGY - A doctor must respect the patient's total or partial rejection of a diagnostic test or treatment. In this case, the doctor must inform the patient in an understandable and precise manner of the consequences that may result from their refusal, and record this in the medical record. Article 10.10 If a patient demands a procedure that the doctor, for scientific, legal, or ethic reasons, judges to be inappropriate or unacceptable, after duly informing the patient, the doctor is exempted from acting by recording this in the medical record. Article 10.11 When a doctor cares for a person on hunger strike, he must inform the person about the consequences of refusing food and/or hydration, as well as its foreseeable evolution and prognosis. A doctor must respect the freedom of those who consciously and voluntarily decide to go on a hunger strike, even if they are a person deprived of liberty. Article 11.1 When a doctor treats patients who are not in a position to understand the information provided, decide or give valid consent, the doctor must check if there is a document of prior instructions and, if not, they must inform their legal representative or the persons related by family or de facto reasons.