V Convención de la Profesión Médica

V Convención de la Profesión Médica Bibliografía 1. Fontanarosa PB, Bauchner H. Scientific discovery and the future of medicine. JAMA. 2015;313(2):145-6. 2. Reinhardt UE. The disruptive innovation of price transparency in health care. JAMA. 2013;310(18):1927-8. 3. Freidson E. Profession of Medicine: A Study of the Sociology of Applied Knowledge. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1970. 4. De Angelis CD. Medical professionalism in the twenty-first century. In: De Angelis CD, ed. Patient Care and professionalism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2014. 5. ABIM Foundation, American Board of Internal Medicine; ACP-ASIM Foundation, American College of Physicians- American Society of Internal Medicine; European Federation of Internal Medicine. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136(3):243-6. 6. Patient reported outcomes (PROs) in performance measurement: January 10, 2013. National Quality Forum. http://www.quality Forum.org/ Publications/2012/12/Patient-Reported_Outcomes_Final_Report.aspx. Accessed June8, 2015. 7. Kawamoto K, Martin CJ, Williams K, Tu MC, Park CG, Hunter C, et al. Value driven outcomes (VDO): a pragmatic, modular, and extensible software framework for understanding and improving health care cost and outcomes. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2015;22(1):223-35. 8. Lesser CS, Lucey CR, Egener B. A behavioral and systems view of professionalism. JAMA. 2010;304(24):2732-7. 9. Berwick DM, Nolan TW, Whitington J. The triple aim: care, health, and cost. Health Aff (Millwood). 2008;27(3):759-69. 10. Kaplan RS, Porter ME. How to solve the cost crisis in health care. Harv Bus Rev. 2011;89(9):46-61. 11. Gallup. Honesty/ethics in professions. http://www.Gallup.com-poll/1654/honesty-ethics-professions. aspx. Accessed June 15,2015. 12. Pellegrino ED. Ethics and the moral center of the medical enterprise. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 1978;54:625-40. 13. Pellegrino ED. The philosophy of medicine reborn. Notre Dame Studies in Medical Ethics, Indiana. 2008. 14. OMS. http://www.who.int/patientsafety/education/curriculum/download/en/ index.html (Accessed June 28, 2015). 15. Okuyama A, Martowirono K, Bijnen B. La evaluación de las competencias de seguridad del paciente de profesionales de la salud: una revisión sistemática. BMJ Qual Saf. 2011;20(11):991-1000. 16. Miller GE. La evaluación clínica de habilidades /competencias / rendimiento. Acad Med. 1990;65(9 Suppl.):63-7. 17. Cocine DA, Beck TJ. Conceptos actuales de validez y confiabilidad de los instrumentos psicométricos: Teoría y aplicación. Am J Med. 2006;119:166. 18. Sunstein CR. Valuing Life: Humanizing the Regulatory State. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 2014;1-9. 19. Cohen JJ. Viewpoint: linking professionalism to humanism: what it means, why it matters. Acad Med. 2007;82(11):1029-32. 20. Guyatt GH. La medicina basada en la evidencia. ACP J Club. 1991;M-A:A-16. 21. Nora LM. Profesionalism, career-long assessment, and the American Board of Medical Specialties´ Maintenance of Certification. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2013;33(suppl. 1):55-6.