Enfermar es humano

ENFERMAR ES HUMANO: CUANDO EL PACIENTE ES EL MÉDICO Cátedra de Profesionalismo y Ética Médica. Universidad de Zaragoza • Grupo de Investigación en Bioética de Aragón (GIBA)-IIS Aragón 183 Section 3: Physicians of ill physicians, the role of medical colleges (continuation) Items Categories 50. How do you feel about retired, no longer practising doctors still being able to prescribe medication? 1) They should be allowed to all their lives 2) They should give up this entitlement as soon as they retire 3) They should give up this entitlement after a few years without practising 51. Do you think it is necessary for the Code of Medical Ethics makes recommendations to physicians regarding their own health care? Unnecessary, slightly necessary, moderately necessary, necessary, very necessary 52. Do you think that Spanish medical associations are sufficiently involved in the caring for ill members? Not at all involved; Slightly involved; Moderately involved; Very involved; Completely involved 53. Do you know what revalidation of your licence to practice every six years consists of? Yes/No 54. Revalidation is the certification issued by medical associations in Spain after assessing and acknowledging good professional practice, work-related activity and evaluation of doctors’ physical fitness to practise. What is your opinion about the commencement of revalidation in 2017 by your association? Strongly disagree; Disagree; Neither agree nor disagree; Agree; Strongly Agree 55. Do you think that revalidation will help to make doctors more aware of the need to look after their own health? Yes/No 56. Could you suggest any strategies that could improve healthcare for doctors as patients that could be implemented by health services and/or medical associations or other institutions? Open question